Security Research


Artificial Intelligence, Real Security

Using Artificial Intelligence, and Human Ingenuity we provide cutting-edge cyber security tools and services to private & government organizations.

Our Unrivaled Approach

What Sets Us Apart

  • Deeply Technical: Our team is comprised of seasoned experts with decades of experience in offensive and defensive security. We have secured, some of the most complex and critical systems in the world.

  • Client-Focused Approach: We tailor our services to your unique requirements, ensuring that your security is fortified against modern threats. We are committed to your success, and will work tirelessly to ensure that you are satisfied with our services.

  • Remediation Assistance: We offer comprehensive hands-on remediation support to empower you in confidently addressing the vulnerabilities we unearth, ensuring your security improves even when faced with limited resources.

  • World-Class Security Architecture and Design: Our experts help you construct robust security architectures that align with your unique requirements. We've built highly secure, and scalable systeems for the public and private sector.

Elevate Your Security

Our Industry-Leading Services

Offensive Services

Adversarial Simulation

Prepare for sophisticated attacks through our adversarial simulations, leveraging AI-driven strategies to evaluate your defense. We utilize our expertise and advanced fine-tuned artificial intelligence to identify and exploit vulnerabilities, ensuring that all attack vectors are accounted for.

Penetration Testing

Outmaneuver potential attackers by proactively identifying and neutralizing vulnerabilities. Our advanced penetration testing service is tailored to your unique needs, industry, and environment, ensuring comprehensive protection.

Security Assessments

Propel your organization towards compliance and trust with our meticulous security assessments. Our expertise spans SOC 2, ISO 27001, HIPAA, and PCI, ensuring that you exceed the highest security benchmarks.

Defensive Services

Incident Response Support

Benefit from our extensive incident response experience and proven track record. Whether you need to establish a robust incident response strategy or manage an ongoing incident, we offer practical guidance that strengthens your defenses and minimizes potential harm.

Application Security Review

Enhance your products with our comprehensive application security review. Our experts scrutinize mobile, web, and embedded applications. We partner with you to pinpoint vulnerabilities and fortify these digital assets, ensuring your users can trust the safety of your applications.

Cloud Security Review

Protect your cloud environment with our targeted strategies. Tailored to the nuances of cloud architecture, our solutions establish a strong defense against modern cyber threats. With our assistance, your cloud infrastructure becomes a secure fortress, guaranteeing data protection and operational continuity.

Level the playing field

Democratizing Security Research


Stream data via QR codes to bypass network restrictions

QRExfil allows you to exfiltrate data via streaming QR codes. This allows you to bypass network restrictions and exfiltrate data from air-gapped networks.

About Us

At AZAI Security Research, our journey began in 2022 with a mission that resonates deeply: Empowering a safer digital world through unwavering dedication to cybersecurity excellence. Founded by visionary security researchers boasting over a decade of experience, we embark on this journey with an indomitable spirit to shape the future of security.

Our legacy is etched in the impactful collaborations we've forged over the years. Partnering with a diverse spectrum of companies and organizations, we've orchestrated transformations that fortify their products and services against emerging threats. Our track record is a testament to our commitment to safeguarding digital landscapes.

Our experience

We're trusted by industry leaders

Hugging Face
National AI Initiative

Secure your network

The cost of a breach is $4,000,000,000.00 per incident, and rising.